About From Here to Home Essentials

About From Here to Home Essentials
Here's the back story of how I started an affordable, low-waste, plastic-free business
I've always been a bit of a tree-hugger. I grew up with a deep appreciation for nature, spending large parts of my childhood in the lakes of Michigan, the shores of Florida's Gulf coast, and outside with my pets.
In 2019, I applied for a citizen-science sailing mission with eXXpedition, on a whim. I never expected to be chosen, but later that year, I stood on a sailboat with new sailing sisters, a sunburn, and the task of collecting ocean water samples to better understand microplastics and ocean pollution.
And I'm not going to lie: what we found was pretty bleak.

Our clean up of a protected beach- which we were told would be clean because of its protected status- netted us six MASSIVE bags of trash, including some plastics webbing that came off a shipping container. And the samples we took? Full of microplastics that wind up in the deepest depths of the ocean, in the bellies of marine life, and eventually, in our water and soil.
Plastic made it possible, I suppose, but now they're coating out planet, filling our oceans and waterways, and microplastic is even in the air we breathe.
We simply can't maintain this relationship with plastic. I became obsessed with the idea of reducing my own personal plastic waste, not only to reduce my footprint, but to demonstrate that there is a need and a want for plastic-free products.
From Here to Home Essentials was born.
In my own small way, From Here to Home Essentials is my contribution to a greener, healthier, less-plasticky-planet.

About the Owner: Lindsey
Hi, I'm Lindsey! I'm passionate about ending all forms of oppression, exploring and saving the planet, and heavy metal music. I believe one way we save the world is by listening to one another's stories and developing empathy and compassion for ourselves and others.
I'm thrilled to build a circular economy, a plastic-free world, and a healthier planet with you- starting right here in Montgomery County, Maryland.